Creating meeting like participants grid using CSS grid

Let's imagine a situation where you are creating a tool that could serve as a virtual meeting space, like google-meet or zoom, or if you just need to create a small grid of participants.

This grid will have a have a variable number of participants and you want to render them an even columns, displaying each participant card in a nice 16:9 aspect ratio.

For this POC, we will have three main files.

With a little less importance, as you can style your application as you see fit, we will have three style files for each component

Since the main App component is just there to be the wrapper of our application, let's no focus to much on it.

Here's the component structure:

import Participants from "./components/Participants"; import "./styles.css"; export default function App() { const participants = [ { name: "Danilo" }, { name: "Danilo" }, { name: "Danilo" }, { name: "Danilo" }, { name: "Danilo" }, { name: "Danilo" }, { name: "Danilo" }, { name: "Danilo" }, ]; // Just a simple list of participants return ( <div className="App"> <h1>Participants</h1> <Participants participants={participants} /> </div> ); }

And here are the styles for styles.css

.App { font-family: sans-serif; text-align: center; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; width: 100%; }

The Participant component, which will be responsible for rendering a single participant, is also pretty straightforward:

import "./participant.css"; type Participant = { name: string; }; export default function Participant({ name }: Participant) { return ( <div className="participant-card"> <strong>{name}</strong> </div> ); }

A few styles on participant.css to give a nice look:

.participant-card strong { color: #fff; background: lightblue; padding: 10px 20px; aspect-ratio: 16 / 9; border-radius: 4px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }

Inside Participants component, responsible for rendering the list of participants, is what we are interested in:

import Participant from "./Participant"; import "./participants.css"; const MAX_COLUMNS = 3; type ParticipantsProps = { participants: { name: string }[]; }; export default function Participants({ participants }: ParticipantsProps) { const participantsCount = participants.length; const gridMaxColumns = participantsCount > MAX_COLUMNS ? MAX_COLUMNS : participantsCount; const styleConfig = { gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${gridMaxColumns}, 1fr)`, }; return ( <div style={styleConfig} className="participants-grid"> {, index) => ( <Participant key={index} name={} /> ))} </div> ); }

Not a lot going on participants.css too, just some basic styling for illustration purposes:

div.participants-grid { display: grid; width: 100%; gap: 8px; padding: 4px; }

The important property here would be grid, setting participants-grid to be a grid component. width, gap and padding doesn't really matter in this case, and you can to whatever value you may need.

Now let's go back to Participants component.

Inside the component's definition, we start by getting the participants count and determining the max number of columns we will have in our grid?

const participantsCount = participants.length; const gridMaxColumns = participantsCount > MAX_COLUMNS ? MAX_COLUMNS : participantsCount;

Remember, we set our MAX_COLUMNS to 3 and what we are doing above is checking if the number of participants is greater than the max columns allowed. If it is, then we set the grid columns to have a maximum of 3 columns, if it isn't we set our grid columns to the number of participants.

Then, we just created a style object that we will use with the style prop of our div.

const styleConfig = { gridTemplateColumns: `repeat(${gridMaxColumns}, 1fr)`, }; return ( <div style={styleConfig} className="participants-grid"> {, index) => ( <Participant key={index} name={} /> ))} </div> )

And we end up with something like this:

Participants grid

See that if we have different number of participants, the grid adjusts accordingly, while keeping the aspect ratio of 16:9

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